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Areas Of Operation:

Kalahandi is regarded as one of the most vulnerable districts in India for food insecurity, starvation deaths, drought etc. The drought prone district has two distinct features. The area of plains although very fertile is prone to regular drought due to erratic monsoons coupled with long dry spells. The hilly areas mostly inhibited by Kondh tribals with marginal or no land holdings are exposed to regular shortages of food. Average annual rainfall of the district is 1378.2 mm. It consists of 13 blocks and spreads over 8364 square Kilometer. The rivers are rain fed and go dry during summer.

The project area of the organization namely Thuamul Rampur and Junagarh blocks have 55.65 and 18.72 % of scheduled tribe population in comparison to total population of the district. Likewise the scheduled caste population is 25.40 and 16 % of the total population in Thuamul Rampur and Junagarh blocks respectively

Major problems of the project areas of ANTODAYA:

Thuamul Rampur block is surrounded by inaccessible terrain and forest and is mostly inhibited by Kondh tribes. Most of the tribals do not have lands and depend on shifting cultivation and forest produce for subsistence. The area is dreaded for malaria and basic health and education services are lacking. Tribals of this block face severe food shortage during lean agricultural season. Food insecurity and starvation deaths are the major problems of the area. 
The Junagarh block is the other area where ANTODAYA works. Major problem of this area is that of drought and subsequent large-scale migration of daily wage laborers to big cities like Mumbai. The rainfall is scanty and lands distribution pattern is very skewed.

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